Friday, October 21, 2011

Dondria (So So Def) spotted in Affaire Clothing at Tiffany Evans Bday Bash

How this happened was too funny! I just want to remind people that everyone is brought in your life for a reason. Always make sure to network because you never know who knows who and what they can bring to your life. Do not USE people, but always take advantage of the blessings that come your way. I met a young lady earlier this year through my intern. I interned for Crystal Harris at Nya Nya Couture and I had to work a photoshoot for her that day at Derrick Blanks Studio. The young lady is an aspiring model that is wonderful in her craft! Her name is Quina Tonyell. Make sure to look her up and show your support. She had an event that she needed styling for and I always have what she is looking for. Her friend came along and loved some of my pieces as well. Her "friend" already looked beautiful, but she decided to put on one of my pieces. She looked great! They left for the event and had a wonderful time. Later on I realized who her "friend" was after I saw a picture... Her friend was Dondria from SoSo Def. I have no idea how I didn't know! Yes I have to say I was a little embarrassed! She's very sweet and her friends were too funny. Make sure to continue to show her your support! You can follow her on twitter @Dondria

Tasha Malek Oxygen's Bad Girls Club

This Photoshoot was pretty fun. Not to mention it was in Miami and on my birthday weekend... Yeah, I had a good time!!!!! It was in one of the most prestigious hotels! The Intercontinental Hotel! It was so beautiful. The room that we set up in had the best view! Ashley Ramano was the Hair stylist and Stephanie Currais was the make-up artist that I had to work with. I wanted to make sure to put them in this blog because I fell in love with these ladies! They are the funniet girls and made my anxiety of my first shoot in this type of setting go WAY down. Tasha was a cool girl too! Sometimes TV makes people real big headed but we were all talking like we knew each other forever. A very good work setting. All in all it was jokes and laughter all day so it made my job of styling the shoot pretty easy! Here are some behind the scenes.

These dresses are part of my party girl collection that has been doing really well in Atlanta. I also have some behind the scenes footage that I am so excited about as well! AFFAIRE CLOTHING ON SET! I am happy that I got to put it on someone to get some recognition and it's also a plus that she is off one of my favorite reality shows. BAD GIRLS CLUB!! Here are some of the pics that I have actually seen. If I find some more then I will post them as well! To purchase theses dresses, or dresses similar, make sure to head to We have a lot of new arrivals I'm sure you will like!!!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Atlanta Fashion House Fashion Show at Taboo 2

September was one of the craziest months of this year! I have never over-booked myself this much but at the end, it was worth it. My birthday (September 1! Yeah yeah!) was pretty fun. I was in Miami doing what I do best and even had a photo shoot. I'll let you know who that was with when I get the pictures! It's a surprise... (Hint: BAD GIRL)... Anyway. At the end of the month I had a fashion show that I was working towards. Atlanta Fashion House was producing their first show so I was glad to be a part of it. I met one of the ladies that was working this show at a previous show so I ended up becoming a part of it because of her. (Hey Cheryl!) Long story short... The show was HECTIC! and a little stressful. I learned some serious lessons at this fashion show. This is NOTHING against Atlanta Fashion House because they put together a great show with some talented designers...but things just didn't go as I planned. There weren't any lights where we were dressing the models so I swear we had phones with flashlights trying to get them ready. I probably had 3 minutes to get all 12 of my models the dark... with flashlights from our phones... talk about crazy!! So I was a little upset with the way about 3 pieces went on the runway but I had them work it like they owned it! Got a couple clients and someone even contacted me about a magazine article.. but we'll see about that. I even used a couple pieces from my senior collection.... Check out the pics! I am pleased for the most part. But I saw some things I want to change, add, and continue with. Another day, Another show...

Don't forget to check out

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

3-D Origami Collection

For those of you that didn’t know..I am still in school! But as I finish my degree, I work on personal collections. For my Senior Collection I decided to do something very different. For my inspiration I focused on stripes and the way they are portrayed on something. The way it gives a 3-d look. Here is what I was thinking about…

I love the way the stripes on something make it look so 3-d. So this is what I wanted to put into my work. Yea it seems hard right? How am I going to make something 3-d out of clothes. You can do anything with clothes so I was definitely ready to figure it out. I know origmai is one way I can get the look I wanted so Youtube was a great way to try and figure things out. It was kind of just like making the original pattern and taking the pattern and simply reconstructing it to add the look that I wanted…YES THE PATTERNS TOOK A LOT OF TIME! But I will show you the progress so far. After I get everything finished I will make sure to post them. But here is the first one to show you where my inspiration has lead me to. Hope to hear your input.

 I'll make sure to update this post and update everyone. I have a fasion show on September 8, September 17, and September 23. And I also have a photo shoot on September 3 and September 24! So I will be very busy. I will keep you posted!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

New Blogger

I was never necessarily the one to write a diary and that’s always what I thought a blog was; a public diary that someone had to be crazy to let people (that you do not even know) into your personal thoughts. But as I became a fan of them, my views seemed to change. I like reading about what people are thinking. I actually like going through their journey with them. Especially when it is someone that you do not know, but feel as if you can relate to them in so many ways. I read fashion blogs all the time and enjoy reading about the upcoming fashion designers and hear about their trials and tribulations. I must say it does make me feel a lot better that I am not the only one going through the necessary struggles to make it in this industry. I don’t know… this just seemed necessary in SO many ways. This is my first post and I feel good writing it. I hope you all enjoy and get to know me through my thoughts and learn from me as much as I learn from you.