Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Beginning of The Struggle

Sometimes I hate the way life is going. I kind of did all of the goals I set out to do on the journey of growing up, but when all of that is done and you have all that you need in order to make your dreams happen, where do you start? I struggled with that daily. Where to start? How to start? Where is this money going to come from? Hmmmmm. Yea, maybe I think too much but then again, I'm a Virgo. Don't judge me! Lol.

After school and traveling, life started, of course. But I guess I just wasn't ready for it. Or maybe I just wasn't prepared for how REAL it is when it does start. Anywho, it's here now. So instead of me spending so much time designing clothes, embellishing shoes, looking for new customers on the internet, and surfing the wholesale websites to keep adding things to my Ebay store, I decided to stop all of that... And get a job.

I know, I know. That isn't the American dream right?! But hey, I spent so much time AND MONEY following my dreams that it actually put me in a little financial problem. Starting my Ebay store meant inventory. Making a clothing line meant making samples which meant buying fabric, muslin, paper for patterns, thread, notions, sketching paper, markers, pencils. Shooting these looks meant photo shoots, make-up artists, hair dresser... This "hobby" isn't cheap. Yes I have made a good bit along the way. But when I would get paid, I wouldn't use the money to pay off my credit card bills. I would use it towards the next project. Hoping to get bigger and bigger and receiving more clients as a reward for my hard work. I just want you to know that this business is ugly. I'm talking about hideous. I have gone through MANY trials and tribulations that have almost made me give up. They would put me in a bit of a set back because I would be feeling so discouraged and beat down. But fuck it! What worth having comes easy??

With all of that being said, I'm tired of working. Yes I went to school and have degree(s), yes that’s plural. But honestly they don't mean anything to me. I'm sorry readers; I know you didn't want to hear that. Don't get me wrong, I like school. It was never hard for me. I kind of just went and whatever happened, happened. It just so happened that it always turned out good. I really only did it for my parents, and just to say that I did. But I honestly don't care much about it at all. I don't want to work for absolutely anybody but myself. And although the information in the classroom helped some, it really isn't any different from when I am stumped on something and then I Google it or you tube it. I probably could have googled or you tubed everything I learned in school and saved almost $50,000. Oh well, can't think about it now.

From now on, I'm not going to work just to pay bills. I work so much in order to live the life I want and pay the bills I've accumulated and ummm... I’m not for that anymore. I graduated from school 2 years ago and it only took me a year and a half to realize that. I'm going to keep my job, of course. The benefits are good! haha. And where else is this investment money going to come from? I'm going to put myself on a serious struggle. Saving every bit of money I can to put it towards the business. And of course I'm going to tell you every step of the way. Hell, maybe you can help me through it. Struggle with me the whole way to the top. Who wants to be alone anyway??

...Let’s get started!